Clinical Development

Clinical training is an essential part of becoming a good, effective Nutritional Therapist. Your development in this discipline will ensure that you develop confidence, the correct approach for each individual and a firm basis on which to practice within the code of ethics.

This begins midway through Year 1 with a requirement for all graduating students to have a full understanding and competency in Case Taking, Management and prescription.

Modular Content

You will cover the following areas:

• Year 1 – observation and analysis of Class based Cases (live and recorded)

• Year 2 – up to 100 hours of own case taking with a final Portfolio of cases.

Please note where clients are not available for the clinical observations, the trainer reserves the right to present other form of clinical training related to case receiving and management, e.g. looking at students received cases, video or paper cases. These will also constitute observation and be included in the (up to) 100 hours.

Your Portfolio

The Portfolio will ensure that you have undertaken the case taking and management in line with Ethical Conduct and standards.

• The Portfolio in Year 2 will require that you undertake 3-5 individual cases for assessment which will need to be presented in the final Portfolio.